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NoZama InfoMediator Web

This is the public web page for the NoZama Group. Formed from a class project, our responsibility is that of "infomediating" the website. We are working with four other groups in this class to infomediate several commercial websites in order to conduct book price comparisons. You can learn more about our project by visiting our project home page hosted at Feel free to visit our forums or sign up for our mailing list. You can also submit requests and report bugs. When the class project has terminated, feel free to then browse our CVS tree.


UPDATE: Check out the Customer Profile WARNING: These Pictures are BIG. So Maximize your browser please. :)


03-12-02: Check out the Flash Intro (requires Flash 5 plug-in). Also, let the movie stream/download once and then on the subsequent loop(s), watch it at the intended speed. Forgive me, I don't know how to stream properly yet :)

03-13-03: Phase 3 Presentation is up here